State Level Poster Competition on NSD organized by Department of Chemistry on 28 Feb 2021

Ku. Mayuri Sunil Bharskale, R.L.T. College Akola secure First Rank, Harshwati wasuderao Badan Shrimati Radha Sharda college Anjangaon Surji declared Second Rank & Punam haribhau ingole secure 3rd Rank

Welcome To Distinguished NAAC Peer Team Members

Prof. Dr. Shirish Kulkarni , Former VC, Sardar Patel University Gujarat (Chairperson), Prof. Dr. Hemalatha Kola, Former Professor, Anna University Chennai ( Member Co-ordinator) & Dr. Parvathy Appaiah Principal(rtd) Madikeri - Karnataka (Member)

Advertisement For Permanent Post on Senior College

Requirements of Assistant Professor at M.S.P Arts, Science and K.P.T. Commerce College Manora

One Day workshop On Plants & Environmental Relationship"

On 31/03/2019 Department of Botany Organized the Workshop for B.Sc- I year students , In collaboration with SGBA University Botany Teacher Association , workshop inaugurated by Principal Dr. N. S.Thakare and the Chief Guest , Workshop introductory speech performed by Dr. M. N. Iqbal , First session keynote speech performed by the Honrbl, Dr. B. K. Dorkar and Second session Keynote Speech Performed by Scientist Dr. D. V Hande Shri Shivaji Science College Amravati. Valedictory program presided by

On 28 Feb 2019 State Level Poster Presentation Competition Organized by Departments Of Science on the Occasion of National Science Day

On the Occasion of National Science Day Department of Science Organised the State Level Poster Competition, events convener & Principal Dr. N. S. Thakare gave the introductory speech, Chief Guest and Inaugural resource person Dr. C. D. Khedkar Hod, Dairy Microbiology, College of Dairy Technology Warud Pusad and organizing secretary Dr. M. N. Iqbal , Miss. Prajakta Satpute science association President jury members were present. In this competition 65 participants from various colleges participat

On 19 February 2019 General Knowledge Test Conducted in the M.S.P College Manora on the Occasion of the Birth Anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

On the Occasion of the Birth Anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Tehsil Level General Knowledge Test was conducted in M.S.P College on 19 February 2019 at 11.00 am. This intended to impart the information of students as regards the great Shivaji so that students should draw the inspiration from the life of the great shivaji. The test was conducted on the topic of character and deeds of Shivaji. Examination were divided into two groups A & B. In Group ‘A’ examinees between Vth and XIIt

Elocution on Shivaji Maharaj Workd

Today 25/02/2019 In our college Elocution on the various aspects of Shivaji Maharaj work , in this programs 10 students were expressed their views on the Life and works as a king of Maratha Power. In this competition three students won prizes First prize winner : Ku. Vidhya N. Ingole B.Com I , Second Prize winner : Amar D. Kakade B.A. I , Kiran Sirsat B.Com III and Third Prize winner : Ku. Niwanti. N. Raut. B. Sc. II

College Research Committee organised One Day Workshop on " Techniques For Avishkar Presentation" under College Incubation Center on 05th Oct-2018

At MSP Arts, Science & KPT Commerce College One Day Workshop " Technique For Avishkar Presentation" Organized by College Research Committee on this occasion participant Students presented their Poster and Model and District Avishkar Coordinator Dr. Anant Shinde Y.C College Magrupir, Dr. Sanjieev Kumar Singh, Principal Dr. N.S. Thakare guide the students organizing Secretory Dr. M. N. Iqbal (Teacher Coordinator), Dr. A. S. Nile and Dr. J. N. Kamble were present. Workshop inaugural events conduct

Orientation For Entry Year Students

Date: 14-Aug-2018, 1:30 pm, Guest Speaker: Mr. Manoj Ingole, Trainer at Art of Living, Orientation For Entry Year build internal strength among students, to inculcate level of understanding within students, to strengthen will power of students

One Day workshop on Soil Analysis

Department of Chemistry Organized One Day Workshop on Soil Analysis on 14 Feb 2018, Chief Guest Dr. Rajendra Katkar head, Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry PDKV, Akola, Dr. D. V. Mali incharge Soil Testing laboratory PDKV Akola & Key note speaker Prof. Omkar kapse M. N. G Science College Babulgaon, organizing secretary Prof. S. D. Ingole were present.

University Level One Day Workshop organized by Dept. Of Botany on 9 Feb 2018 entitled " Medicinal Plants & Natural Remedies"

Inaugural chairperson Dr. N. S. Thakare, Chief Guest Farmer Dean Faculty of Science Dr. D. G. Bhadange, Key note Speaker Dr. A. N. Deore Associate Professor SSSKR Innani Mahavidyalay Karanja Lad, Organizing Secretary & Head Dept. Of Botany Dr. M. Nafees Iqbal , Prof. Sopan Ingole, Dr. A. S. Nile, Prof. A. Y Ali , Miss. Mayuri Hande, Ashwini Hande, Rupali More, Khadse , were present.

Competitive Exam Committee organized the Workshop on 30/01/2017

On 30/01/2017 Workshop organized by Competitive Exam Committee of the College, on this occasion Manor Police PSI Wankhade Saheab Addresses the students, Prof. Sunil Kale perform the introductory speech, Dr. N. A. Thakare delivered the presidential speech and Dr. M.N. Iqbal performed the vote of thanks.

Competitive Exam Committee organized the Workshop on 30/01/2017

On 30/01/2017 Workshop organized by Competitive Exam Committee of the College, on this occasion Manor Police PSI Wankhade Saheab Addresses the students, Prof. Sunil Kale perform the introductory speech, Dr. N. A.


At MSP Arts, Science & KPT Commerce College National Mathematics Day celebrated by Mathematics Department on this occasion university level Poster and Model competition held by Prof. M. C. Dhabe head, Department of Mathematics and for this competition Principal Dr. S.V Agarkar, Dr. N.S. Thakare and Jury Dr. Sanjay Bhoyar, P.N. college Pusa, Dr.M.N.Iqbal were Present. There are around 50 participants from different Colleges participated in the Competition.

Avishkar 2017

Ku Anupama Thakare (B A II)gets first prize in Avishkar copetition M Pir.

Workshop on Competitive Exam on 8/12/2017

On 8/12/2017 , Competative Exam & Employment Guidance Workshop held at MSP College Manora, Mr. Bhaurao Belkhede Extension Officer Manora & Mr. Atish Rathod BDO Manora were the expertises.

Workshop on Competitive Exam on 8/12/2017

On 8/12/2017 , Competative Exam & Employment Guidance Workshop held at MSP College Manora, Mr. Bhaurao Belkhede Extension Officer Manora & Mr. Atish Rathod BDO Manora were the expertises.

Felicitation of meritorious students of the Manora Taluka

On 21st July Felicitation of the meritorious students organized at MSP College manora on this occasion Honrb President of the college Arvind Ingole Principal Dr.N.S.Thakare appreciate the students.

Felicitation of meritorious students of the Manora Taluka

On 21st July Felicitation of the meritorious students organized at MSP College manora on this occasion Honrb President of the college Arvind Ingole Principal Dr.N.S.Thakare appreciate the students.

National Yoga Day Observed in College

Mrs Archanatai Raut madam Perform the Yogasanas infront of the Students on 21 June 2017. Almost 150 students along with teachers practiced yoga between 8 am and 10 am.

Admisss session 2017-18

Admisss Process for B. A, B. Com and B. Sc. Start from 13 June 2017

One Day State Level Seminar on The Role Of ICT in Quality Education

A State level one-day seminar on The Role of ICT in Quality education has been organised by IQAC of College on 20.4.2017. Dr Jaikiran Tidake Ex Pro VC SGBAU inaugurated the seminar. Shri Arvind Bhau Ingole President DSPS Manora presided over the inaugural function. Dr Babasaheb Jadhao Principal Shivaji college Parbhani delivered the keynote speech. Dr N S Thakare Principal our college gave the introductory. Dr Rohidas Nitonde and Dr R M Patil were resource persons of 1st and 2nd technical sessio

One Day Workshop on Research Methodology & Funding for project

On 8th April 2017 One Day Workshop on " RESEARCH Methodology & Funding by Project" organized by College Research committee ...woekshop introduction speech given by organizing secreatory Dr.M.N.Iqbal Head, Deptt.Of Botany guest introduction given by Dr.Seema keswani Workshop inaugrated by Dr.C.D. Khedkar Dairy technology college warud pusad , Dr.S.S.Thakare Principal Rajashri shahu college Chandur railway and Dr.P.A. Nagpure Shri shivaji sciencecCollege Amravati .Workshop speakers give Invite tal

One Day Workshop on Research Methodology & Funding for project

On 8th April 2017 One Day Workshop on " RESEARCH Methodology & Funding by Project" organized by College Research committee ...woekshop introduction speech given by organizing secreatory Dr.M.N.Iqbal Head, Deptt.Of Botany guest introduction given by Dr.Seema keswani Workshop inaugrated by Dr.C.D. Khedkar Dairy technology college warud pusad , Dr.S.S.Thakare Principal Rajashri shahu college Chandur railway and Dr.P.A. Nagpure Shri shivaji sciencecCollege Amravati

University level seminar and poster presentation competition on National Science Day

Dr.N.S.Thakare president of the programme, Dr. V.R. Bhonde inaugural cheif guest and Dr.R.R.Wankhade Digrus, Dr.S.H.Kanherkar Magrulpir, Dr.Yogesh Sakhare Shirpurjain were present as jury. There were 50 students participants from 17 different colleges. Introductory speech performed by Dr. M.Nafees Iqbal , Dr.V.R.Bhonde address and motivated the participants on the occasion of National Science Day and Principal Dr.N.S.Thakare address the students and appreciated to the all the winner for their ex

University level seminar and poster presentation competition on National Science Day

Dr.N.S.Thakare president of the programme, Dr. V.R. Bhonde inaugural cheif guest and Dr.R.R.Wankhade Digrus, Dr.S.H.Kanherkar Magrulpir, Dr.Yogesh Sakhare Shirpurjain were present as jury. There were 50 students participants from 17 different colleges. Introductory speech performed by Dr. M.Nafees Iqbal , Dr.V.R.Bhonde address and motivated the participants on the occasion of National Science Day and Principal Dr.N.S.Thakare address the students and appreciated to the all the winner for their ex

University level poster and seminar competition at MSP Arts and Science &K.P.T Commerce College Manora

On19 December 2016 university level poster and seminar competition held by commerc Department Guest of honour was Principal Rajput and Dr.N.S.Thakare sir, Coordinator Dr.A.S.Nile,Head M.P.Thakare sir, Ther Sir and P.N.Kamble sir were present

University level poster and seminar competition at MSP Arts and Science &K.P.T Commerce College Manora

On19 December 2016 university level poster and seminar competition held by commerc Department Guest of honour was Principal Rajput and Dr.N.S.Thakare sir, Coordinator Dr.A.S.Nile,Head M.P.Thakare sir, Ther Sir and P.N.Kamble sir were present


On 26 November 2016 Indian Constitution Day Celebrate at M.S.P.Arts Science & K.P.T Commerce College Manora District Washim Maharashtra

Distribution of Clothes To Melghat Tribal People

ON 23 September 2016 , Best Practice Of College Perform by College Extention Committee, Principal Dr.N.S.Thakare & Extention Committee Coordinator M.P.Thakare sir, Vilas Ganjre Sir and Gawande sir were present

Home science Department Guest lecture

Dr Deshpande madam , K.N College karanja lad

Best Practice of Botany Department

Department of Botany started Best practices under the Guidance of Principal Dr.N.S.Thakare & Head of the Botany Department Dr.M.N.Iqbal, Entitled Generat Awareness of Plant and Environmental burning problem in the School and college students of Manora from 22 July 2016

At M.S.P.Arts Science & K.P.T. Commerce College Manora Free ST possess to the students

There are 115 Free ST possess given to girls students under Manav Vikas Mission


On 1 July 2016 Plantation of Tree conducted by College Extention Committee on this occasion President of the college Arvind Ingole , secretary Mahdeoraoji Thakare & Principal Dr. N.S.Thakare remains present

Yoga Day on 21 June 2016

YOGA DAY conducted at M.S.P.Arts, Science and K.P.T. Commerce College Manora District Washim Maharashtra, all the staff of the college remained present on this occasion and participated in this activity enthusiastically

Guest Lecture Series in Scince Faculty

Dr. Hemant Mahalle, Dr. A.B Patil & Dr.Sanjay Bhoyar From P.N College Pusad delivered the Guest lecture respectively on Computer Science, Chemistry & Mathametics

Guest Lecture of B.Sc.III Maths

Dr.Gaikawad from H.R College Ashti District Wardha Delivered the Lecture

NSS Special Camp begins at kondoli

The camp inogurated by Shri Ashok Deshmukh Director DSPS at 11 am.On this occasion Dr.Shrikanth Patil Ex.Coordinator NSS SGB Amravati University was present. Principal Dr.N.S Thakare was also present.The camp will last for Seven days.


To create the fervour of social bindings.

To bring overall development in the rural students.

To preach moral values along with social values to the students.

To arrange different training programs for self employment.

To enhance the participation of rural students in higher education.

Contact Details

Telephone:+07253-233207, 233171

MSPKPT, Manora,
Tahasil:- Manora,
Dist: Washim-444404 (Maharashtra),


Annual Report Final Year University Result 2023

2019 Govt. Letter for Sanction Post

Best Practice 2023-24

MoU Report 2023-24

Project Document 2023-24

7.1.9 Sensitization of students

7.1.1 Combine file 2023-24

Gender Sensitization Action Plant 2023-24

Reservation GR for SC-ST-OBC Earmarked E

Central Sector Scholarship 2023-24

SSS 2023 Criteria II

Linkage Report Botany 2023

Final NEP 2020 Scheme Direction For Science & Technology

Final NEP 2020 Scheme Direction For Science & Technology


CBCS University Direction for B.Sc

Guidelines on Public Self-Disclosure by Higher Education Institutions

Feedback Report 2023-24 Criterion I

College Committee 2020-26

Audit Report 2022-23

Student Satisfactory Survey 2022-23

Best Practice Report 2022-23

Induction & Counseling Report 2022-23

Gender Sensitization Action Plan 2022-23

Institutional Initiatives 7.1.1

Botany Linkage Report 2022-23

Botany Linkage Report 2022-23


Number of Sanction Post during 2022-23

Admission List Category wise 2022-23

Student Satisfactory Survey 2022-23

Code of Conduct Policy

CBCS_Elective 20-21

Result 2020-21

Sanctioned Posts

Best Practices

Result of State Level Poster Competition on NSD on 28 Feb 2021

NIRF 2020-21 Report Overall

NIRF 2020-21 College

Feedback of stakeholders 2019-20


Feedback collection,analysis and action taken report

Programs Outcomes of College

Continuous Reading Report of Library 2019-20

Continuous Reading Report of Library 2018-19

Continuous Reading Report of Library 2017-18

sport committee report


Advertisement for Assistant Professor & Lab. Attendance

NIRF 2019-20

NIRF 2019-20

RIT Act of 2005

Journal Removed from UGC Approved List

Students Satisfactory Survey 2019

Library Budget from 2014-15 till 2019-20

Sports Department Report 2018-19

NSS Camp Report 2018-19

A Brief Report of Botany Workshop 31-03-2019


workshop Report of Physics 2017-18


Departmental Planning of Dept. Of Marathi

Academic Calendar Dept.Of Home Economics

Department of English Academic Calendar

Senior Science Faculty Meeting Agenda & Proceeding

Academic Calendar Dept.Of Botany 2018-19

IQAC Proceeding

Commen Test Time Table B.Sc Summer -2018

Internal Assessment Test Time Table of B.Sc Summer -2018

Report of the Feedback on Syllabus Analysis 20117-18

B.COM.3_Classroom Attendance Feedback Analysis

B.COM.2_Classroom Attendance Feedback Analysis

B.A.3_Classroom Attendance Feedback Analysis

B.A.2_Classroom Attendance Feedback Analysis

Academic Calendar Dec.17

Academic Calendar Nov.17


Winter 2017 Result B.Sc-I- Sem-I

Winter 2017 Result B.Com-I- Sem-I

Winter 2017 Result B.A-I- Sem-I

Achievement B.Sc-III- Sem-V 2017-18

AQAR 2015-16

AQAR 2014-15

B.Com. 1, 2 & 3 ACHIEVEMENTS _16_17

Achievement of B. Sc. I- Sem-II 2016-17

Feedback Analysis 2016-17

Achievement of B. Sc. III 2016-17

State level seminar Proceeding

Criterian - V AQAR format

Criterian - V Information Formate

Career Guidance programme

Achievement of B.Com.I year Student 2015-16

Achievement of B.Com.III year Student 2015-16

Achivements of the B.Sc - I Students

Criterian - III AQAR format

Criterian - III Information Format

Self Assessment Schedule session 2015-16

News & Events
